Welcome to the Pyodide blog! 👋

We will share project updates and announcements here.

This blog also aims to illustrate how Pyodide can be used for real-world projects. If you have a nice Pyodide use case that you would like to share, we accept submissions on Github.

Function Pointer Cast Handling in Pyodide

In the upcoming release of Pyodide version 0.19, we finally support the Python default recursion limit of 1000. We also attain a speed boost of somewere between 10 and 20 percent. The code size was reduced by 25% from 12 megabytes to 9.1 megabytes. These gains came from this pull request which changed the way we handle function pointer casts. Here is a plot showing the improvements in recursion depth:...

December 21, 2021 Â· 14 min Â· Hood Chatham

Pyodide becomes member of the Open Source Collective

We would like to announce that Pyodide is now a member of the Open Source Collective (OSC), which will act as the project’s fiscal host. The Pyodide project compiles Python and the scientific stack to WebAssembly using Emscripten. Pyodide was created in 2018 by Michael Droettboom at Mozilla as part of the Iodide project. Later in 2021 Pyodide became an independent open-source project, and the current announcement completes this transition....

November 10, 2021 Â· 1 min Â· Roman Yurchak and Hood Chatham, on behalf of the Pyodide team